Just do it

How many efforts I will put into achieving this goal, maybe the way of accomplishment is so hard and time-consuming that the benefits will mean nothing compere to efforts that were spent on it. The most important part, as for me, is the plan with the list of mini goals and main steps, that, for sure, will help me in future to track my success.

Another way I am going to realize multidisciplinary knowledge in my life is becoming flexible interviewer and speaker. So I could keep any informative conversation going, and it will be interesting to listen to my thoughts.

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In addition, it simply exiting and interesting to study various subjects. I mean, for example I am business administration major, so the main part of information I will get is calculus and skills of how run a business.

Top 3 things I like

My Family

  1. Dad
  2. Mom
  3. Sister
  4. Me